Title: A Mindfulness-based program for managing stress and promoting quality performed during hemodialysis: An experience report


People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing hemodialysis have severe functional, psychological, and social limitations, causing suffering for the patient and high costs for the health system. Studies on Mindfulness-Based programs (MBPs) have shown positive effects for various mental and physical disorders. Evidence of the effects of MBPs for people with CKD is emerging and programs carried out during hemodialysis (HD) sessions are almost nonexistent. The present experience report aims to describe the Hemomindful Program, an MBP for managing stress and promoting quality of life for people with CKD undergoing hemodialysis. It was an eight-week MBI, performed individually, during the hemodialysis sessions. In the protocols used for the basis of this program, the learning of mindfulness is progressive, considering the needs of the participants and context, with these adjustments in the Hemomindful Program proving to be relevant to the process of developing the participants’ mindful ability. A total of 15 adults undergoing hemodialysis treatment, 7 women and 8 men, with a mean age of 54 years (SD=14.9) participated in this study. A total of 80.0% of the participants completed the 8-week MBI program (n=12), with 03 losses throughout the process. All the participants considered the program accessible because it was performed during the HD sessions. The participants referred to positive benefits of the practice, such as greater awareness of body sensations, emotions and thoughts, less reactivity to deal with stressful situations, greater acceptance of experiences, feelings of well-being, changes in eating and fluid consumption habits, improved family relationships and better self-care. The Hemomindful Program presented positive indicators of feasibility, acceptability and safety and how it can contribute to managing stress and promoting quality of life for people with CKD undergoing HD. These results may contribute to future research projects and interventions with Mindfulness in the context of HD.

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