Liwen Wu


It's a great honor for me to participate in this meeting, learnt a lot, and the process is very convenient. Thank you.

Brandon Lucke Wold


Excellent event. Looking forward to participating in the future.

Cristina Cosi


The quality of the power point presentations was in general very good. I have learned a few things interesting for my professional development.

Alessandro Bartoloni


I was impressed by the quality of the talks in the sessions and the interdisciplinary approach used to organize the sessions I had the opportunity to attend. People attending will have the chance to grow up in knowledge even if not directly involved in the topics presented. The development I had regarded the possibility to appreciate the different talk and approaches to the research development typical of the clinical field and pharmacology research and development. The speaker selection work done by the organizers was excellent. I was most impressed by the worldwide representation of the speaker coming from any corner of the world. I think this is one of the most crucial aspects to take care of by congress organizers.

Hossein Akbarialiabad


I really enjoyed the conference.

Faezeh  Soveyzi


Thank you very much for the great congress. I learnt a lot from perfect presentations.

Farshid Alazmani Noodeh


First of all, congratulations to you and your team for the excellent organization of this conference. Everything in this conference was based on strict order and principles, and this is admirable. I tried to attend most of the conference.In response to the following questions I can say: Overall, the selection and quality of the talks was excellent. Inviting me to participate in this conference and listening to numerous lectures motivated me as well as new ideas to continue caring for patients with neurological problems. Peers Alley Media was able to manage this event in the best way. Thank you very much.

MohamedEisa El-Amin


The quality of talks at Future Neurology 2022 was very useful. It give me the chance to expose to the most up to date research.It helped me to map some ideas for future researches. Peers Alley Media, Canada did a good job with very interesting topics and speakers.

T S L Radhika


I am happy to be a part of such a great event where highly experienced personalities working in the field of neurology and neuroscience have shared their knowledge. Let me congratulate you and your team for organizing this highly intellectual event. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.

Maxwell Blesdel ADASSI


I really liked the quality of the presentations. This allowed me to see at what level research is at the international level, and particularly in developed countries, compared to ours. In addition, I learned many new research methodologies, and discovered some very fascinating research results. Yes indeed Peers Alley Media did a great job! And I would like to thank here once again Peers Alley Media for having associated me with this cocktail of reflection on the future of neurology.

Turyalai Hakimi


The quality of talks was well organized and valued. As I am a pediatric surgeon and operate on pediatric neurosurgery cases, your program and my invitation were essential for my professional career. The peers allay media wisely selected the speakers.

Kajal Shah


The quality of talks at Future Neurology 2022 was very good.

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