Alzheimers Disease and Dementia

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that leads to the death of brain cells. It progresses over time and worsens at the end. Alzheimer's is the cause of 60-70% of dementia. Dementia is a neurological condition in which the ability to think and remember small things becomes so severe that is starting to affect their daily routine.

The most common symptoms of Alzheimer's and dementia are forgetting becomes very often, difficulty in remembering some events occurs, and in some severe cases, patients suffer difficulty in remembering recent events and conversations. Alzheimer's disease and dementia patients develop hindrances in making judgments, reasoning, thinking, decision and performing daily tasks.

The precise cause of Alzheimer's and dementia are not fully understood but most of the researchers think that it is a result of various factors: genetics, environmental, and lifestyle. The risk factors associated with Alzheimer's and dementia are age, syndrome, sex, trauma, lifestyle, social engagement, and family genetics.

As these diseases are progressive, not even a single cure proves to revert this process. Patients affected with this disease need help from others.


  • Causes and Prevention of Alzheimer’s
  • Vascular Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis and Symptoms
  • Recent Studies & Case Reports
  • Alzheimer prevention and risk factors
  • Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials and Studies
  • Managing Dementia

Market Analysis: The Alzheimer's disease diagnostics and therapeutics market was worth USD 6,632.82 million in 2020, and it's predicted to grow to over USD 9,073 million in 2026, with a CAGR of nearly 5.36 percent from 2021 to 2026. The rising frequency of chronic diseases such as dementia, as well as increased pipeline drug research, investment in biomarkers for drug development, and better diagnostics for early detection, are all driving this industry forward.According to the World Alzheimer Report, over 50 million individuals worldwide suffer from Alzheimer's disease and related dementia in 2019, with that figure anticipated to rise to 152 million by 2050. Alzheimer's disease is thought to afflict up to 6% of the population over the age of 65. With the discovery of some therapeutic procedures and the rising frequency of Alzheimer's disease, there are markets for Alzheimer's treatments. The growing number of people over the age of 65 is partly to blame for the rising incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Although there have been occasional cases of young-onset Alzheimer's, which is defined as Alzheimer's symptoms in adults under the age of 65, this is rare.

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